
How we advocate for Hawaii's broadcasters

The HAB advocates on behalf of the radio and television stations by promoting broadcast advertising to industries, reaching out to young people about pursuing careers in broadcasting, some involvement in legislative and legal matters on behalf of broadcasting. Please contact us if you’d like more information about our advocacy efforts.

Promote Broadcasting

Broadcaster represent an industry which, at its core, is here to serve our communities.​

Educate Stakeholders

The HAB is determined to help maintain a competitive and reasonable environment to continue serving the public.

Encourage the next generation

As broadcasting changes and evolves, we look to young and excited minds to take the industry forward.

Cooperative Partnerships

The HAB works with other state associations, the National Association of Broadcasters and our own Washington counsel to serve our members.

Our Partners

RSS CommLawBlog
  • FCC Sets Effective Date for Foreign Sponsorship ID Rule Changes July 18, 2024
    On July 16th, the FCC announced that two changes to its sponsorship identification requirements for foreign government-provided programming, as detailed in its June 10th Second Report and Order, are set to become effective on August 15, 2024.  Recall that the FCC modified its sponsorship identification rules in March of 2022 to require broadcasters to identify...… […]
  • New Pre-Sunrise and Post-Sunset Power Levels Available for Eligible AM Stations July 16, 2024
    The FCC is now accepting letter requests from AM stations for pre-sunrise authorization (PSRA) and post-sunset authorization (PSSA).  PSRA permits AM stations to operate at increased power during the two hours immediately preceding sunrise.  PSSA allows for increased power for the two hours immediately following sunset.    According to the FCC’s Public Notice, the Audio Division...… […]
RSS Comm Law Center
  • FCC’s Universal Service Fund Found Unconstitutional by Fifth Circuit
    On July 24, 2024, an en banc panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit released a decision in Consumers’ Research et al. v. FCC holding that the Federal Communications Commission’s Universal Service Fund (“USF”) contribution mechanism violates Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution and remanded the issue to the FCC […]
  • FCC Releases Draft NPRM Considering Broader Regulation of AI-Generated Robocalls
    Chairwoman Rosenworcel announced on July 16 that the Commission is considering adoption of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) seeking comment on proposals to regulate AI-generated robocalls. The draft NPRM, released this afternoon, is the outgrowth of a November 2023 Notice of Inquiry and follows several recent FCC actions intended to mitigate the potential for […]
RSS Broadcast Law Blog
RSS National Association of Broadcasters – News Releases

P.O. Box 61562
Honolulu, HI 96839
Phone: 808-599-1455

Jamie Hartnett, Executive Director